Spathiphyllum or peace lily are beautiful and popular indoor plants. Luckily, caring for this plant is also relatively easy. These evergreen tropical plants thrive on the forest floor where they receive constant moisture and beams of sunlight. You can keep your spathiphyllum healthy and happy by following these simple steps in your home.
With enough light, your peace lily can produce white or off-white flowers in early summer. These flowers can bloom all year round under the right living conditions.
A common home variety can grow up to 40 centimeters. Surprisingly, open species can grow even larger and leaves can reach 1.8 meters in length!
If you want to take care of your plant, here is a complete guide with everything you need to know.
How to plant your spathiphyllum
This plant only needs a pot to grow happily. However, they do not like to sit in a pot that is much larger than their roots. Here’s a step-by-step guide to planting them:
1. Choose a container that provides good drainage and is no more than ⅓ larger than your peace lily’s root ball.
2. Fill container ⅓ full with potting mix. Ideally, the combination used should not contain bark or compost. Both are known to be home to mushroom midges. The mixture you use should also contain coconut bark, as it helps the soil re-wet easily. You can even buy potting soil specifically made for spathiphyllum.
3. Place the plant in the pot. Make sure the top of the root ball is about an inch below the rim of the container. This will leave enough space for watering.
4. Fill the areas around the root ball with potting mix.
5. Place a saucer under it and water until you see moisture dripping from the bottom of the container. Then you can plant in a new pot.
Where to place spathiphyllum
The plant can grow in dark places – even in a closet, but this does not mean that it should be grown there. Although they are able to bloom in low light, this rarely happens. If you want lush foliage, you can try placing your peace lily in a dark cabinet. But if you want the plant to bloom, expose it to bright, indirect light.
The plant is vulnerable to cold, so keep it away from drafts.
How to water
Spathiphyllum always needs moist soil; however, plants do not do well if they sit in too much water. Water when you notice that the top couple of inches of her soil is dry. Water until you see water at the bottom of the container.
Peace lilies are usually happy and healthy as long as they get enough water. If you notice that one day they look great, but the next day they are plummeting, there is nothing to worry about. Water the plant immediately and let it soak into the liquid. Then water it again and it will be beautiful again in no time.
Just remember that when it comes to caring for this plant, constant watering is key. Although peace lilies can tolerate dry soil for short periods of time, don’t wait too long to water them. Their leaves will turn brown if they don’t get the moisture they need. Peace lilies are also sensitive to chemicals such as fluoride, which is often found in tap water. This can cause browning of the tips of the leaves, so use room temperature filtered water whenever possible.
How to feed
About a month after planting a peace lily, she will begin to starve. Provide him with nutritious food using fertilizers designed for peace lilies. You can apply the fertilizer directly to the soil or, in most cases, mix it with water. Whichever method you choose, be sure to follow the directions on the label.
Peace lilies are not gluttons, so fertilize them only occasionally. Use a balanced fertilizer every six weeks starting in late winter to encourage growth in spring and summer. Read the fertilizer instructions first to learn how and when to use it for the best results.
Humidity and temperature
Peace lilies love high humidity. Place their containers on a plant tray with gravel and water. This can increase the humidity around your plant. You can also spray their leaves with water to reduce moisture. Because peace lilies are tropical plants, keep them above 16°C and away from drafts and cold windows. They will also thrive in temperatures above 21°C.
Remember to keep these plants out of direct sunlight in the afternoon. Place your peace lily in the window facing east. At this point, they will be exposed to the gentle morning sun, while avoiding bright rays around noon.
Pruning and transplant
Apart from removing dying flowers or leaves, there is no need to prune the peace lily. It is best to refrain from trimming dying leaves until you can carefully remove them. When its flowers turn brown, cut them off with sharp, sterilized plant shears.
When you transplant them, peace lilies are happy to be in an overflowing pot. It’s time to transplant them when the plants begin to wither faster. At this point, the roots began to fill the container, leaving little room for the soil to absorb the water. When this happens, choose a new container that is a few inches wider than the previous one. Then follow the landing instructions above.
As mentioned earlier, peace lilies love to be tied to their roots. So, when your plant has outgrown the container or drooped more than usual, you will know it needs to be repotted. Although it usually happens every two years, watch your peace lily to decide when to act. Again, when caring for peace lilies, use a pot size one or two to ensure adequate drainage.
peace lily breeding
Many people have had success growing peace lilies in soil rather than water. This process involves dividing the rhizome of the plant. A rhizome is a group of horizontal “stems” that grow below the surface of the soil. It is in these areas that new plants can sprout.
Using a mature plant, find a small stem, grow from its base, and cut it off from the rhizome. Untangle the roots stuck to the main roots of the plant. Some damage is acceptable, but be careful not to cause too much damage. Get a sharp sterilized plant knife to separate the roots from each other.
When they are ready, plant the smaller plant in an appropriately sized container. Then water it and care for it like any other peace lily.
How to make a peace lily bloom?
As mentioned earlier, peace lilies can bloom all year round. Although peace lilies will only bloom a few times a year, their flowers last for two months. To encourage your peace lily to produce flowers:
1. Keep her tightly inside the pot.
2. Give her plenty of indirect light.
3. Water the plant properly.
4. Use quality fertilizer for peace lilies.
And, if they don’t bloom, don’t be discouraged, as they are still great for growing indoors.
If you notice that your peace lily doesn’t bloom most of the time, it may need more light. Although peace lilies are very tolerant of low light, this does not mean that they will thrive in the dark. Move the peace lily to a brighter location or provide it with bright indirect light to make it bloom. If necessary, consider using grow lights.
Weak-looking flowers, green flowers, or no flowers can be a sign of improper feeding. If you notice green flowers, stop fertilizing peace lilies. If there are no flowers or the flowers look dull, try using a fertilizer specifically made for flowering plants. This type of fertilizer contains a higher amount of phosphorus, which is necessary for flowering plants.