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Home » How to care for the Peace Lily so that it blooms all year

How to care for the Peace Lily so that it blooms all year

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The peace lily is a perennial houseplant with green leaves and very showy white flowers that comes from South America. It is resistant and with little care it thrives inside a home without problems.

The first advice is to find a bright place for it to grow, but without direct sunlight. Moisture is good for them, which is why in rooms that are too dry they should be sprayed with water or put in a humidifier. As for irrigation, they need water regularly, keeping the soil moist but not wet.

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It is advisable to clean the leaves regularly to ensure that they carry out photosynthesis well.

It is also advisable to clean the leaves regularly to ensure that they photosynthesize well. When spring and summer arrive and during flowering, it is good to feed the plant every fortnight with a liquid fertilizer for plants, following the instructions indicated.

One of the big problems is when the leaves get brown tips. It is a sign that care is not what they need. In general, the most likely reason is watering, either over or under watering. A good tip is to insert your finger a few centimeters to check the status. If it is dry, you have to water. But if not, it is better to leave it because if the soil is soggy, it is equally bad for the plant.

squirrel flower

squirrel flower

Galina Tolochko/iStockphoto

Another problem is humidity. It is a plant that adapts better to warm and humid environments. In fact, it is advisable to keep it in a large saucer filled with pebbles and water to provide it with the humidity it needs. It may happen that it is close to a radiator or other heat source that is causing the bad condition of the leaves.

Over-fertilizing also causes brown leaf tips, especially in winter. At this time of year, to keep it growing, it is better to dilute the solution in water and not put more than once or twice while the cold lasts. The salt in the water can also be another cause, so if the plant does not improve despite taking extreme care, you can try watering it with distilled water.

As for pests, the most common are mites, aphids and whiteflies. They can be seen with the naked eye by looking at the leaves and it is recommended to clean them with a soapy solution and then use a specific product.

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that it is a plant that can be toxic, so it is advisable to keep it away from children and the elderly, as well as pets.